

1.嗅,闻(气味) The dog sniffed at the handbag. 那条狗到处嗅了嗅那个手提包。 He sniffed around for a job but found nothing. 他四处打探着找活儿干,但一无所获。

2.刺探,探明,侦察 The police are now sniffing round for a connection between him and the murder. 警察现在正在调查他与该谋杀案之间的联系。

3.探出;伸出 We watched as his nose slowly started to sniff the air. 我们看着他的鼻子慢慢地开始嗅着空气。 Her face was almost touching my nose in her eagerness to smell me. 她急迫地想要嗅我,脸几乎要挨到我的鼻子了。

例句: My dog'snose is very sensitive-it can even tell when food has gone off. 我的狗的鼻子很灵敏——甚至能知道食物放多久会变质。

近义词: snout 英文释义 n.the end of the snake that has teeth and feels things with it

例句: The new car smells of fresh paint and new rubber. 新车的气味儿散发着新油漆和新橡胶的味道。

例句: There seemed to be no end to their questions. They were like a pack of hungry dogs sniffing around for bones. 他们的问题似乎没完没了。他们就像一群饥肠辘辘的狗四处搜寻骨头一样。
